We’ve Only Just Begun ,The Carpenters , A Celebration with Toni LeeBlank Mobile We’ve Only Just Begun ,The Carpenters , A Celebration with Toni LeeBlank
We’ve Only Just Begun ,The Carpenters , A Celebration with Toni Lee

We’ve Only Just Begun ,The Carpenters , A Celebration with Toni Lee

Thurs 21 Sep, 12am

We’ve Only Just Begun features the timeless quality of the Carpenters’ greatest hits and the vocal prowess of Toni Lee, recreating the mesmerising voice of Karen Carpenter.

The success of this Irish produced touring show, now approaching its 13th year and its fourth visit to Cork Opera House, is down to two important factors – the timeless quality of the Carpenters’ fantastic hits and the ability of Toni Lee to recreate the mesmerising voice of Karen Carpenter.

No one else comes near Toni in this regard, she truly is Karen Carpenter reborn. The world has hundreds of tribute shows touring on a non-stop basis, but only a handful of them are capable of genuinely transporting you back in time, by replicating a performance that is on a par with the original artist. The Carpenters, We’ve Only Just Begun is one such show.

Every song in the show is a classic hit from the best songwriters in popular music history. It is a hit parade of non-stop magic including joys like: ‘Superstar’, ‘Top of the World’, ‘Solitaire’, ‘Close to You’, ‘Rainy Days’ and ‘Mondays’, ‘Yesterday Once More’, ‘There’s a Kind of Hush’, ‘Please Mr Postman’, ‘I Need to be in Love’ and so much more . . .

With the smoky smouldering voice of Toni Lee as Karen Carpenter, We’ve Only Just Begun is a unique concert event unmatched by any other tribute show.

The music of the Carpenters is truly timeless.

Tickets: €39.50 including levy (+ booking fee)

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